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Squats and Lunges for Core Stability
In order to maximize performance, squats and lunges are two of the most functional exercises that work the "weak link" - the buttocks and...

Balance - Core Stabilization
How is your balance? Is your balance a test of your core strength? In these exercises, you will progress to balance on one leg for 10...

Better Balance (Exercises)
Balance Training can prevent injuries and reduce the likelihood of falls. Balance exercises do not require equipment and can be...

Spinal Stabilization: Dead Bug
Strengthening your abdominals is essential to your core spine stability. 1. Download the complete document 2. Read the article below

Simple Core Exercises (Hip Flexor Stretch)
Back, buttock and hip pain are common problems. Often the source is tight muscles in the hip region or weak core muscles through the...

Hip Hinge to help with Proper Lifting
Have you ever bent over to lift something and knew immediately you should have lifted differently? Hip hinge excercise helps protect...

How to Stabilize Your Back (Side Planks)
Safe and effective exercises to strengthen your trunk and recover and prevent back pain. 1. Download the complete document 2. Read the...

Safe Back Excercises (Cat/Camel & Birddog)
In order to recover from back pain, it is essential you improve your spinal fitness, muscle strength in your back and improve the back...

McKenzie Low Back: excercise for sciatica
The following is a great guide to excercises for low back and sciatica pain. 1. Download the complete document 2. Read the article below

Returning to the office
As I am treating patients the past few weeks, the common theme is folks returning to the office resulting in mid-back, upper back, neck...

Is Sleeping Causing Back Pain?
By making simple adjustments to how you sleep at night - whether you are a side, back or stomach sleeper, these few adjustments will take...

Where is your keyboard placed?
When you think of stress in your life, do you think of your desk, where is your keyboard is placed or how you repeatedly move to use your...

Rule of Thirds for Stress Management
Happy New Year to you. If you are like me, the holidays provide a nice break from the regular routine. We tend to gravitate to thinking...

Reducing Stress
How do we reduce stress? Let's review our "Rule of Thirds." -To optimize your day and reduce stress, your 24-hour day divided into 3...

Relieve Foot Pain
Here are resources we recommend for proper foot care. Relieve Foot Pain while being active. Anatomical toe spacers designed by sports...

Get off your Ass - too much sitting, and not enough moving
Does this look familiar? Hours every day sitting at a desk looking at a computer, sitting in the same position. Bicycle magazine wrote...

Excercises to Reduce Pain & Dysfunction from TMJ
Here are three exercises to help reduce Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain & Dysfunction Do each exercise for 10 repetitions and hold...
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